What is the Goal of Day Services?
For information about Wildwood’s Day Services, contact Matt McMorris at Mmcmorris@wildwoodprograms.org.
Employment Services
The goal of employment services is to support people as they search for and attain employment through things like resume writing, interview preparation, application assistance and onsite coaching. Through community-based work assessments, training and internships, employment services help people get ready for and find competitive employment. Employment Services depends on strong partnerships with the business community and it helps employers to understand the value of hiring people with disabilities and realize the full benefit of inclusive employment.
For businesses interested in more information please visit: Â business.wildwoodprograms.org
Employment Service may be available to anyone who is of working age and has been diagnosed with a disability. Wildwood receives referrals from Adult Career and Continuing Education Services – Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) and the Office for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD.)Â
Throughout the Capital District.
For questions about Wildwood’s OPWDD Employment Programs, contact Paula Martelle, Director of Employment Services, at  518.640.3339.Â
For questions about Wildwood’s ACCES-VR Services, contact Sara Morabito, Employment Manager, at 518.640.3319.
Wildwood Transportation
Wildwood’s Transportation Department provides transportation from a person’s home to their site-based Day Program, and back again.
For questions about Wildwood Transportation, contact Kirk VanOrman, Transportation Services Manager, at 518.640.3397.